Friday 24 April 2009

Memorable day

Today was a great day for me because I went for bowling with my sister and cousin who came from India last week. It was fun. I went for bowling after three and half years. I used to go with my friends when I was in India. After we done bowling, we took walk from Wall-mart to Barnes & Noble, that moment reminded me the day when I was living with my grand parents, and I used to go with my grand-father for walk. I missed him so much. I realized his means to my life after he left me. I miss you "Nana." I became the old person with silly jokes with my sister and cousins. We talked so much about India during our walk. Then, we went to Barnes & Noble to drink Starbuck coffee where we tried the Stuffed Pizza Preztel, which I had never eaten it before. It was delicious. We sat there and talked more. My sisters voice tone raised many times, and I had to tell her to slow it down. Then I got a call from my dad that he was around the area, so I told him to pick us up. When I came home, we watched a Indian Dance show together. It was a memorable day of my life.


  1. It looks like you had a really good day. I also really like bowling but now I don't have time to play.

  2. I like to bowling too!
    Me and my friends go on thursdays night because there's a dj on the place.
