Sunday 15 February 2009

Are we the cause of Global Warming?

Are we the cause of Global Warming? In my opinion, yes we are. First the important question is: why is it warming; the population, and the sources we use to survive. Day by day, the population is rising, and we cut the trees to make our homes. Trees that soak up the carbone dioxide, one of the greenhouses gases from the air. Second, we waste the energy. Most of the people in the world do not know currently that how they are causing of the Global Warming. We can not stop Global Warming, but we can try, so it won't get worst. This days we all hear about the storms and floods becuase the sea level is rising. If we do not do anything now, it will be too late. What are we going to leave for our children? I know every parents wish better future for their kids, so why do not we do something all together? The first thing everyone can do which is using less energy. Eveything in our house like TV, computer, lights; we use gasoline in our car. First, turn off the lights when you leave the room. Second, turn off the TV or computer when you are not using it. Third, if you want to go some where near your house, take a walk, do not use a car. Forth, plant a tree. Last, in winter wear warm clother inside and use less heat. Moreover, in summer live the windows open and use the fan instead of using a air conditions. We are the one who can save our planet. Global warming is not only a country issue; however, it is the issue of the world. I would suggest most populated country to do something about the population and to grow some trees in the conjusted areas becuase I been through that kind of area where you can not get fresh air. Moreover, I expect from the government to pass some laws.

1 comment:

  1. you're totally right, if we dont like ourselves, at least let's think about our kids and their future.
