Thursday 7 May 2009

Colorado River

The Colorado River also know as Red river in the southwestern United States and Northwestern Maxico. Lake Powell is a reservoir on the Colorado River between Utah and Arizona. It is the larges man made lake behind Lake Mead, storing 24,322,000 acre feet of water when it full. It takes slightly longer to get to Lake Mead these days. That's because for the past few years, the largest man-made lake in the US has been shrinking. The colorado River Basin which streaches from Wyoming to Mexico is at the center of hotter climate changes in the Western United States. Since Global Warming, Rising temperatures have contributed to earlier snowmelts, and the basin has warmed more than any other area in the contiguous United States.
As a result, the volume of water in the basin is decreasing. The years 2000 to 2004 were the only five consecutive years in recorded history with water flow below average. Lake Powell, one of the basin's main reservoirs, is only 45 percent full.

I think we should all do something or act now because we are seeing this sign everywhere. I went to Maritine Aquarium, and I watched the movie Grand Canyon. It was about the colorado river that how the water decreasing day by day. I think goverment should do something about it before it's too late.

As you can see this white color on the mountain. You can see that water decreased in these pictures: May be it will dry soon.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I can go there one day. My uncle live in Arizona so maybe one day.
